We said goodbye to Dad at Heathrow and leapt into adventure! It was scary.
The flight was looong - 12hrs - and hard. We didn't have those personal screen things D: so we had to watch movies on the big screen. I watched Karate Kid and 'slept' through the rest, Sam watched Last Airbender and Prince of Persia. The view out of the window was amazing - huge cities and rivers and mountains, and we saw a massive lightning storm over India. It was astounding. Plane food was a let-down hower - the evening meal was yummy but the so-called omlette for breakfast was horrible and made me feel very, very sick.

Bangkok is hot, very smelly and very, very sticky. It's also colourful! We haven't seen ever much, because when we got to our hotel we just collapsed. We had planned on sleeping til about lunchtime, but we didn't get up til about 5 pm. We decided to wander around, found the main back-packing areas pretty quickly, Khao San Road being the famous one. That's where we are now, in a little internet cafe inside a parade of shops.

Our hotel room has, of course, been given the Heffernan treatment :)
Just read your blog!! So excited for you and a little bit scared for you too - me and lil wereSO disorientated to start with and we are in an English speaking westernised country so Bangkok must be doing your heads in. Big prayers and big love Mum xxxxx